New Opera (beta) version; new journal entry!

Hello again.

I know I'm not going to be a regulat journal writer. I've never been a regilar writer and my friends and family are supposed to pass first. But I'll try to keep posting here.

Anyway, I've been in the Top 10 for the 1st week, but I coulnd't hope to remain there indefinitely.

I am currently testing, hmm, sorry, playing, with version 7.5 and want to see if my journal posts actually get included in the new RSS reader, next to CNET and Wired news.

Also, I understand that the spell checker would actually be very usefull when typing this journal entries.

Finally, did anyone notice "VoiceXML Plugin Plugin not loaded" in the about page? What is that plug-in? Is it already fuinctional? Where to get it? Should I be working instead of writing here?…
