IE securities issues are prompting major media to recommend alternative browsers

I have posted the following article in the General Opera forum today. Here is the thread:


The word is spreading: CNN says :"Use an alternative browser"

Here is the article:…s.ap/index.html

There is a wave building up of major media houses relaying the words of security experts. They do not always understand what it is about, but what they understand is that something is going on and that IE is causing more and more problem, while MS is proving less and less capable of dealing with it:

If you are still using IE for some of your surfing, please, set the Internet security slider on high. But really, really, use something else, you'll be better off!

For the rest: spread the word, have your friwnds, familie and co-workers download Opera (or even one of the other alternatives). Dvises them to stay away from all those IE skins as they are as insecured as the original.

The problem is becoming so big and so there are so many innocent people being caught by IE vulnerabilities that I am considering starting my own security news letter to spread among my acquaintances. I'll probably post it in my journal too, so watch that space!

Thank you for your atention and enjoy the sun and the afternoon at the beach!



Comments and feed back welcome!