Having some fun with the new Community

The new Community site is really nice and I'm having quite a bit of fun with it. Do not hesitate to take a look at my photo album and leave a few comments. I'll add more pics as time goes by.

A few thinks I haven't been able to do (yet):

  • Import my blogger blog
  • Post from my cell phone. See my related forum post
  • Difficulties uploading pictures. Although this now seems to be resolved
  • Linked blogs do not seem to update. I think hey should:)

I'll ad more as I find more issues but you'd rather watch the related forum for updates on issues and fixes:Site feedback and suggestions.

2 Replies to “Having some fun with the new Community”

  1. I wasn’t able to import my blog from blogger either. I would like to know if you finally could. I decided to start one here from scratch because I couldn’t wait, but I’m afraid that when this is fixed, I won’t be able to do it anymore, as I already started mine.Any ideas? I think I will post about this in the forum too. Thanks anyway.

  2. I was the one who did the final polishing of the Blogger import code before the release. I’m aware that it didn’t work the first days after release, but I fixed that a couple of days ago. Currently, I’m aware of issues with non-ASCII characters in the username, but other than that, my tests have been successful. If you haven’t tried again the past couple of days, try again! Also, the code will preserve the original posting date of the Blogger post, so if it shouldn’t work now, it’ll add itself nicely to your blog when we get it running, so no reason to hold back. 🙂 Cheers,Kjetil

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