not easy

not easy 🙁

EDIT: This was an attempt to post from a cell phone, using Opera Mini. But that's really not easy to do:

1st of all, my own cell phone (or rather, employer supplied phone!) is soooo old, Nokia 2220, that I cannot even think about installing Opera mini on it. It knows nothing about WAP, Java, connectivity or net surfing. I'm even surprised it can make phone calls at all.

So, I had to "steal" my wife's cell phone and now she's going to have a huge bill!

2nd, it's alomost impossible to type more than 2 words with those tiny little numeric keyboards. When it's not trying to -wrongly- double guess what you might not want to write(a double negative? :yikes: would that actually make it guess correctly?), I manage to press a Cancel button, thus deleting what I had painstakenly (which ever way that might be spelled) managed to type so far.

So yes, it seems to be cool to be able to surf the web with a cell phone but it costs a fortune and it won't really be convenient until we can verbally dictate URLs and text inputs (keyboard navigation is still OK, although I miss Forward, FF and RW!). Plus, it's slow!

Anyway, 'nough ranting. Thanks Opera for letting us put this hands on such a toy. As if we needed yet another time waster! 🙂

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