my personal web site

I have finally purchased a domain: It is currently hosted by Ouvaton although I haven't decided yet if I'm going to stay with them. I might go the DNS danse at the end of the month!

As you will undoubtly notice, my home page is incredibly simple (although fully CSS based and xhtml 1.1 compliant) and I am not a graphic designer. Well, this is the page I have been porting from web host to web host, usually my ISPs, for a number of years and I have never really done any work on it.

I am not sure what direction the site will take but I grabbed the opportubity to register a domain for only EUR1.00. Yes, you read that right: EUR1.00 for a .info domain. That's the promotion currently proposed by the people in charge of that tld and it is being passed to customers by registrars such as gandi.

Over there you can also check out the few blogs that I am writing. Nothing too interesting but I am testing different CMS software before choose one. If you have any suggestion, do not hesitate to drop me a line. Here are those I've been trying so far:

They all have pros and cons. I'll try to come back to them later.

More later!