
I work very early in the morning: 5am, so I have to get up even earlier, usually 3am. At least, it's very early for me so I have to force myself to go to bed at a reasonable time so that I can get enough sleep. The deal is that I'm supposed to be between the sheet by 9pm at most and my Chiung-Wen deals with the rest: baby Lucas, some housework and whatever else keep her up until late at night.

Result, It's way past 9h30, she in bed, fast asleep. I just our Lucas in his crib and he's not too happy about it. Like his parents, he tends to be a night owl. And I'm still tidying and clean our home so that it doesn't look to much like a pigsty when we wake up in the morning. Oh yes, I'm taking the time to write this post to, so I probably shouldn't complain too much 🙂

Don't forget to enjoy the times you're leaving in!