Stand up for your Planet!

Betty Krawczyk is 80 years old. She was arrested (CBC) in May 2006 for pacifically protesting against the destruction of a fragile ecosystem. She now faces up to 15 months in jail. …

Mrs Krawczyk puts her foot where her mouth is and is not scared by that perspective. As she puts it herself:

I won’t do community service should that be part of my sentence. I have done community service all of my life and I have done it for love. I refuse to have community service imposed on me as a punishment. And I won’t pay a fine or allow anyone else to pay a fine for me. I won’t accept any part of electronic monitoring as I would consider that an enforced internalization of a guilt I don’t feel and don’t accept and I refuse to internalize this court’s opinion of me by policing myself.

I invite you to read the full text of her letter to the judge on my own blog or to visit hers for more details about her past actions.