Broken photo albums in IE?

Apparently, my photo albums are not displaying in Internet Explorer. I tried with IE6 in a couple of locations and indeed, the picture are not displaying. I probably broke something when I customised my stylesheet. I already knew that the display was not perfect with IE (repeating banner…) but I hadn't realise some functionalities were not working. I'll have to fix that. (help welcome!)

In the meantime, I encourage anyone who's using IE and cannot see my photos albums to use Opera instead! You can download it from here:

Try Opera today - it's free

En français: Je viens de me rendre compte que mes albums photos ne fonctionnent pas lorsque visités avec Internet Explorer. J'ai essayé avec IE6 et les photos sont invisibles. Je vais faire mon possible pour réparer ça.

D'ici là, je vous invite à visiter ce site, et tous les autres tant que vous y êtes, avec Opera, à télécharger en cliquant sur l'image ci-dessus!

One Reply to “Broken photo albums in IE?”

  1. Hi Laurent,You’re right. I cannot even view your texts through IE. IE sucks! Well, most of people use it though. Hopefully, you will fix it soon.

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