Ang Lee

Currently seating at a press conference with master Ang Lee. Fascinating! A lot of questions from the audience. …

The above was posted from my cellphone, so I had to remain brief!

I won't be able to transcript here the words of Maestro Lee, all I can say is that it was quit enlightning to hear him talk about his movie making process, what he usually submits his actors and crew to. It seems that each movie is the object of a "Lee Bible" that describes quite precisely what he expects from everyone.

Great moment and the oppotunity to get a mug shot with Mr Lee. That was really cool.

There are a bunch of other shots in my album.

One Reply to “Ang Lee”

  1. Wow! It is so great to see you and Rachel got a chance to take a picture with Ang Lee. The press conference seemed to be very sophisticated. Did you ask any question? I finally watched Lust‧Caution in DVD. It is really something and had sticked in my mind for days.

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